Thursday, April 10, 2014


So the topic of this blog is "point of view" which seems pretty simple . Point of view is exactly what it sounds like. The view in which the narrator is telling their "point".  Basically, how the story is told. The complicated part is that there are multiple POV you can choose from.
1.    First person reliable.
2.       First person unreliable.
3.       Dialogue only intro.
4.       Third person close – following the main character.
5.       Third person “authoritative”
6.     Other ( This reminds me of when you are filling out the questionnaire on the SAT's and they have other as a choice along with female or male...just saying.)

The point of view in which I prefer is first person because that is the way I think so it makes it easier to write. Other than that ill use third person.

Here is a website explaining everything (sorry about the annoying adds on the side)